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Category Archives: Rants

Staring Down The Barrel

One evening, when I was working at a small health food store in Culver City, California, a guy and his friend walked up to my register to purchase an apple. Oddly, he didn’t place the fruit on the scale as most people would. He just held it in his hand, as if I was supposed […]

The Final Squeeze

I like squeeze bottles. They’re so convenient. No matter what your favorite condiment is, chances are, you can buy it in a squeezable container. I love topping off my veggie burger with a spiral of dijon. Or adding a few squiggles of butter to a toasted corn muffin. What I don’t like is when the […]

Ass-Kissing Employees

Loved by the higher-ups, hated by coworkers, this brown-noser will do just about anything to make it to the next rung of the corporate ladder. He’ll lie. He’ll cheat. He’ll steal your ideas. And above all else, he’ll say anything your supervisor wants to hear: “Nice tie, Mr. Johnson.” “Great idea, Mr. Johnson.” “Beautiful family, […]

DVD Destroyers

I love my Netflix. For a mere twenty bucks a month, I have an endless supply of DVDs arriving in my mailbox. The only problem is, some people have no respect for the Netflix. They set them on the coffee table and use them as coasters. They let their kids play Frisbee with them. And […]

Digital Documentation

A while ago, I decided to purchase a copy of Microsoft Office. At over three hundred bucks, it was quite an investment. And what did I get for that investment? A CD. Yes, on that CD were four great applications. But to learn how to use them, I needed to read the manual. And where […]

Blatant Self-Promotion

Looking for something to do over the weekend? A fellow blogger hosts a Fiction Slam that might amuse you. Each month, a picture is revealed and everyone is challenged to write a short story based on it. Voting for the September Slam closes at the end of October. Why should you give a shit? Two […]

Irritating IMers

Before you send off your next Instant Message, ask yourself these questions: 1) Is the message really so damn important that it has to be received instantly? 2) Will the message irritate your friend, rather than delight or amuse him? 3) Isn’t there something else you should be doing? Such as working, finding a job […]

Bogus Entry: Self-Deprecating Presidents

Just read an article in the L.A. Times about the Governator meeting with George Dubya. Included is a quote from our Commander and Chief comparing himself to the aging action hero: “We both married well. Some accuse both of us of not being able to speak the language,” Bush said to laughter and cheers. “We […]

Old Lozenges

The thing about sore throats is they kind of creep up on you. On the first day, it’s just a little tickle in the back of your mouth. But by the next morning, your throat feels like Linda Lovelace’s after Take 47. In other words, it’s pretty fucked up. So, what do you do? You […]

Bonus Entry: Simultaneous Strikes

What the fuck is happening to L.A.? First the grocery workers go on strike. Now, it’s the MTA. Okay, answer me this question: How are the grocery workers supposed to get to the picket line if there’s no fucking public transportation? Just wondering. Simultaneous Strikes suck.