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What Happened To The Wave?

When I’m on my lunch break, I’m in a hurry. And I don’t have time to fuck around. I want to get my food. Eat it. And get the fuck out of there. But that doesn’t mean I can’t empathize with those poor stranded motorists trying to merge into traffic from the driveway. Occasionally, if there’s a stoplight up ahead, I’ll slow down to let them in. All I ask in return is a simple wave. Yeah, I know it’s dorky. But it says one thing to me: “I know you didn’t have to stop, but I really appreciate that you did.”

Just give me my wave and I’ll be happy. You know how it works. You wave, I wave back, and we go about our day with smiles on our faces. Well, as you might suspect, I slowed down to let someone in today and I didn’t get the wave. She didn’t even acknowledge that I was there. It’s as if she was some kind of modern-day Moses and the traffic parted for her magically. Stupid ungrateful bitch.

Anyhow, after I parked my car, I had to use the crosswalk to get to the mall. Of course, the motorists stopped to let me pass. And you know what I did? That’s right. I waved. Just a subtle lift of the hand to acknowledge their gesture. It says “Thank you for stopping. I realize that you could have easily run me down and I appreciate that you refrained from doing so.” You better fucking believe I waved.