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The Magician’s Code

I love a great illusion. Seeing a magician do something like float out over the audience and explode into a flock of white doves, that kind of stuff really makes me think. And think. And think:

How the hell did they do that? It’s got to be something really simple. Something I just haven’t considered. What the hell am I overlooking? Is it misdirection? Slight of hand? Smoke and mirrors?

Sure, It’s fun for a while. But then I reach the point where I just don’t want to play anymore:

All right. You win. I give up. Turn up the house lights and show me how it’s done. Expose the wires. Reveal the trapdoors. Put me out of my misery.

But they never will. No matter how politely I ask. Or plead. “Sorry,” they say, “it’s against The Magician’s Code.” They explain that if I find out how the trick is done, it will ruin the illusion for me. You know what? I think I can live with that. The Magician’s Code sucks.