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Cart-To-Car Conversationalists

You think car phones are dangerous? What about these motorists who try to speak directly to one another while they drive? Not only do they block both lanes, they coast down the road at about a walking pace.

Hey, I realize it’s kind of cool to see someone you know on the road. You naturally want to roll the window down and have a chat: “So, how are the kids?” ” Did you hear about Maria’s divorce?” “I’m glad I ran into you. I need that egg salad recipe. Wait, let me get a pen.”

Yes, I’ve been guilty of doing this myself before. Usually it’s because somebody asked me directions about two seconds before the light turned green. That’s why I don’t even bother to roll my window down anymore. They can honk their horn and wave at me all they want. I’ll just act like I don’t notice. Sure, they might be trying to tell me that my vehicle is on fire. Or that the trailer I was previously towing just caused a ten-car pileup. That’s okay. I’ll take my chances. Because Car-To-Car Conversationalists suck.