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The Amazon Gift Bag

There’s a reason why people shop online: Convenience. You find what you need. Enter a credit card number. And you’re done.

But what if that item you’re purchasing happens to be a gift? says, no problem. For just a slight extra charge, they’ll wrap up your present and even attach a nice gift card with a personal message inside. Sounds like you’re home free.

If only it were that easy.

Amazon doesn’t tell you what that so-called “gift wrap” actually is: A large, decorative cloth bag with a white-ribbon drawstring. It’s great for really large items, but incredibly lame for smaller ones (they just float around inside there like the last gift in Santa’s sack). Which means, you have a choice: Either deal with the embarrassment of presenting the bulky gift bag to your loved one. Or untie the ribbon and wrap the damn thing yourself. Guess which one I did. The Amazon Gift Bag sucks.