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Isabella Rosellini’s Head

So there I was, having breakfast at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, just as I do every Thursday morning. . .

Okay, that’s a lie. Until last Thursday, I’d never been to the Four Seasons — in any city. I was just there attending an Ad Club event, which actually turned out to be pretty interesting. It was all about the future of Interactive Advertising. Where is it headed? And what can we do to make it better? My boss was one of the panelists.

At this point, you’re probably wondering what any of this has to do with Isabella Rosellini’s head. Well, hold your goddamn horses. I’m getting to it.

Anyhow, I saw some pretty cool stuff during the Ad Club event. We’re not talking about those annoying pop-up or pop-behind windows you encounter at every free website you visit. No, this it stuff you’d actually send your friends to go check out. Fucking amazing shit: Ads with cars jumping from one ad banner to another. Mountain climbers climbing the Web page. Shit like that.

And, frankly, I was lucky I even got to see it. You know that whole Murphy’s Law thing? Well, it’s fucking true. I don’t live far from Beverly Hills. So, for a change, I wasn’t in a rush to get out the door that morning. Normally, the trip would take about fifteen minutes. I gave myself a generous 20 minutes.

So at about ten past the hour, I go down to my car and guess what I find? Yeah, a flat tire. And, of course, I had no time to change it. But I wasn’t dumb enough to drive fifteen miles on a flat. However, I was just stupid enough to coast down to the corner to fill up my tire with air. Fortunately, the tire didn’t explode in my face as I was filling it up, and soon I was off to Beverly Hills.

I arrived at the Ad Club breakfast in plenty of time. I got to watch my boss kick ass with her presentation. I congratulated her and then I made my way towards the exit.

And you’ll never guess who I saw in the lobby as I was leaving. Yeah, it was Isabella Rosselini. I couldn’t believe it. I mean, I’ve seen her in films before. But until you encounter her in person, you have no idea how incredibly, amazingly, estonishingly short she is. Yeah, short. I mean, I’m average height (six feet) and she probably came up to my chest. Granted, she’s got that whole ageless beauty thing going for her. But I had to look down to see it. Which is just wrong. I mean, Who am I to look down at Isabella Rosselini? I should’ve dropped to my knees and kissed the ground she walked on. But instead, I just stared at the top of her head. And that’s when I discovered something I never knew about Isabella Rosselini: Even her scalp is beautiful.