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Time For Change

There comes a time in life, when you have to stop laughing and see things for what they are. Humor is a wonderful thing, when you don’t hide behind it. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and I believe it’s time I made some changes.

I spend my days writing and rewriting sentences that will most likely never be read. Certainly, I get paid very well for my efforts. But that does not make it any more fulfilling. That’s why I started this Web log. I found joy in coming up with new things every day and sharing them with people I would otherwise never meet. But lately it’s become more of a chore. And unlike my day job, I do not attain any income from it.

So please, accept my apologies. I have no intention of continuing this blog. Which means, unless I’m suddenly slapped in the face by inspiration, you’ll have to find your daily amusement elsewhere.

I need to experience life. Real life. Not this artificial life I’ve created for myself, chatting online from within the safety of my drywall cocoon. Life isn’t safe. It’s scary, and tragic. But we only have one and we should cherish every day of it. And that is what I intend to do.

Thank you to all the regulars who visited my site each day, and to all the newcomers who have discovered the archives. I wish you all a wonderful life. I hate to be the one to admit it, but. . . everything doesn’t suck.