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A Message For The Lurkers

Today, I’ d like to address you, the humble lurker. Judging from my blog stats, there are a lot of you out there (over 50 per day). So I just want to let you know that I really appreciate you dropping by.

No, I’m not gonna tear into you for hiding in the shadows and not contributing. The truth is, I’m a lurker myself. When I have some free time, I’ll check out my favorite blogs and see what’s going on in everyone’s life. But does that mean that every time I visit, I leave a note? Hell, no. I only leave a comment if I have something funny to contribute or similar story to share.

Sure, I enjoy receiving messages now and then, providing they aren’t in ALL CAPS and laced with derogatory terms. But how can I expect you to leave a comment when i won’t even leave one myself?

So feel free to browse through the archives. And just ignore that stupid link below. No doubt, you have your own reasons for remaining silent. Perhaps it has nothing to do with not knowing what to write, but more to do with that old adage my father used to tell me: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.”