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Another Automotive Rant

When you’re driving on the surface streets and you suddenly come to little traffic jam, but one lane is moving really fast, that’s not the lane to get into. That’s the lane that’s causing the traffic jam. Sure enough, when I get to the front, there’s a line of cars in that “fast lane” at a dead stop, turn signals flashing, trying to squeeze into my lane. Turns out, their lane is closed. Duh. Should I let them in? Hell, no. Let them suffer. Bunch of selfish fucks.

Same goes for you dickheads that won’t wait in the long line of people waiting to turn left. You have to go up and block traffic as you try to cut in line. You want to pull in front of me? Don’t even try it, buddy. I don’t care how big your damn truck is. Impatient motorists suck. Almost as much as these automotive rants.